Effects of host age on the performance of >Diadromus collaris , a pupal parasitoid of >Plutella xylostella

Xin-geng Wang,Shu-sheng Liu
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1014820727833
Abstract:The ichneumonid >Diadromus collaris (Gravenhorst) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) is amajor solitary, pupal endoparasitoid of thediamondback moth, >Plutella xylostella (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae).Experiments to examine parasitism of the hostpupae of different ages by the parasitoid wereconducted in the laboratory. >Diadromuscollaris preferred host pupae that were in thefirst half of their pupal development. Survivalfrom larva to adult, and size and parasitizingcapacity of the resultant female adultsdecreased dramatically as host pupal ageincreased. When ovipositions were made intohost pupae that were in the last quarter oftheir development, all parasitoids died beforeadult emergence. The performance of >D.collaris , as affected by host pupal age,agrees with the simple diet theory thatpredicts female wasps should select hosts ofhigher nutritional quality for oviposition.
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