Further Results on Convergence Analysis of Genetic Algorithm s Based on Axiomatation Model

DOI: https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2001.01.001
Abstract:An axiomatic model of simulated evolutionary computation was introd uc edrecently by the authors (IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation, in press in 20 01),and, based on the axiomatic model, a general global con vergence analysis of geneticalgorithms and evolutionary strategy was conducted . This paper continues such studyby further relaxing the axiomatation of selec tion and evolution operators, andproviding deeper convegence results of genetic al gorithms. Particularly, we presenta set of very general conditions which a ssures the probabilistic and almost-surelyprobabilistic convergence of genetic algori thms. The formulated conditions aredirectly dependent of the involved GA parameters, and therefore, provide some useful
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