The Energy Internet and Electricity Market in the United States
SU WenCong,HUANG Alex Q.
Chinese Science Bulletin (Chinese Version)
Abstract:The vision of Energy Internet was originally proposed by Professor Alex Q.Huang (North Carolina State University,United States) in 2007 and was inspired by the paradigm shift of computer industry in early 1980s.The centralized computer mainframes gave way to a distributed computing infrastructure which allows individual users to access via a worldwide internet.From its inception,the information Internet (computer network) innovations have been completely reshaping the traditional views of our social environment and business world.In a similar paradigm shift,highly distributed and scalable renewable energy resources must play a primary role,of which the centralized bulk power plants are currently serving.This paradigm shift can only be achieved by encouraging and facilitating the participation of individual residential customer with a future power distribution infrastructure.While legacy power system operations are solely driven by least-cost and reliability concerns,the Energy Internet innovations are completely reshaping the traditional views of our power generation,distribution,consumption,social environment,and business world.The vision of Energy Internet will require the equivalent of a Manhattan Project for energy,as suggested in Thomas Friedman's book,The World is Flat.It is believed that Energy Internet is a level playing field in terms of electricity transactions,where all residential customers have an equal opportunity.The residential energy customers,referred as Energy Cells,will radically change the traditional view of electricity market.The envisioned Energy Intemet requires that our society move away from,or at least supplement,the traditional centralized generation,distribution,and consumption business model to one where every user can actively participate in the energy market.User participation is a major factor that has resulted in exponentially increasing innovation and ingenuity in the information technology sector (e.g.,Amazon,eBay and Facebook).If the "Information Intemet" was the engine that powered our country's economic growth in the last thirty years,then a similar and even more powerful Energy Internet will accomplish even more in the next several decades.The Energy Internet builds upon advanced power electronics,power system control,two-way communication,and two-way power flow.The Energy Internet will bring both opportunities and challenges to our research and education society.This paper will present the role of Energy Internet in United States as a means of allowing new market participants to fully engage in a dynamic and diverse energy market through a distributed decision making process in which electricity rates are determined via competitive and intelligent purchasing and selling strategies.