An analytical study on EID and ESA on a slope
Hanqun Sun,Baopu Fu
Acta Geographica Sinica
Abstract:In this paper, the authors study the existing conditions, ranges and distributional laws of the EID and ESA on a slope with an analytical method. EID (Equal Insolation-Duration) means that the insloation duration on a slope is not variable according to the data. In the other words, the insolation duration on a slope is equal in every day of a year. ES A (Equal-Sunshine Azimuth) is the azimuth of a slope on which EID is existing. The insolation duration of a slope is relative to the sunrise and sunset hour angles ��1 ,��2. ��1, and ��2 are composed of the sunrise and sunset hour angies ��,1, ��,2 on the non-horizental surface and the sunrise and sunset hour angles -��0, ��0 on the horizontal surface. There are many different combined relations. For a slope with given latitude, gradient �� and slope azimuth ��, the combined relation can vary with the sun declination ��. When one combined relation changes into another one, there are two critical sun declinations ��c. They meet the following condition : tan2��c = sin2cos2��/(1 -sin2/��cos2��) Becaus the sun declination �� vary on the range of (-23. 45��,23. 45��), the following relation is necessary for ��c existing: sin2��cos2�ա� sin223. 45�� On the other hand, when sin2��cos2��> sin223. 45�� we can not get the critical sun declination ��c. In other words, the combined relations of the sunrise and sunset hour angles on a slope is not variable with the sun declination ��. On this condition the sunrise and sunset hour angles is identical in every day of a year. To go a step further, when sin��cos��>sin23.45��, ��1 = ��,1t ��2 =��0; when sin��cos��<-sin23. 45��, ��1, = -��0, ��2 =��,2. Based on the exhaustive study on this problem, we can get the conclusion: Only when the combined relation is not variable with the sun declination for given a latitude and slope, it is possible for EID and ESA to exist. For sin2��cos2��> sin223. 45�� the insolation duration of a slope can be expressed by T,1 = E �� (��0 - ��,1) or T,2 = E �� (��0 + ��,2) They can be changed into following form with two parameters ��x and ��m: T,1 = E �� (��0 + ��x - ��m) T��,2, = E �� (��0 + ��x + ��m) where ��x=arc cos(-tanxtan��) , sinx=sin��cos�� -cos�� sin�� cos��. According to the concepts of EID and ESA, we can get (?��x + ��0)/?��=0 Substituting ��x and ��0 with arccos(-tanxtan��) and arccos(-tan��tan��) respectively, then x = -�� and ��x + ��0 = �� so we get the following expression : tan��( 1+ cos��) = sin��cos�� To sum up, we obtain the existing conditions of EID and ESA as follows : sin2��cos��>sin223. 45�� tan��(1 + cos��) = sin��cos�� As to the existing ranges of EID and ESA, it is clear that there is not restiction on gradient a for EID and ES A existance, or �� �� [0,x/2] According to the condition of tan��(1+cos��)=sin�� cos��, for given ��, |��| increases with ��. When �� = ��/2, |��| reaches its maximm and tan��=cos��. To take place of �� in inequality sin2��cos2��>sin223. 45�� with �� in equality cos��=tan��, we can get the range of latitude as follows ; tan2 < 1/(1 + 2tan223. 45��) or |��| < 40. 444�� When ��=0, we can get the range of slope azimuth �� as follows: sin2�� > sin223. 45�� or 23. 45�� < \��\< 156. 55�� For the Northern Hemisphere; 23. 45�� < \��\<K90 and for the southern Hemisphere 90�� < \��\< 156.55��. Finally, we obtain the expressions for claculation EID and ESA EID= E �� [�� -arc cos(tan2�� + cos��/cos2��)] ESA= �� arc cos(tan��/tan ��/2).