Molecular States From Sigma((*))(C)(D)Over-Bar((*)) - Lambda(C)(D)Over-Bar((*)) Interaction
Jun Hei,Dian-Yong Chen
Abstract:In this work, we systemically investigate the molecular states from the Sigma((*))(c)(D) over bar ((*)) -Lambda(c)(D) over bar ((*)) interaction with the help of the Lagrangians with heavy quark and chiral symmetries in a quasipotential Bettie Salpeter equation (qBSE) approach. The molecular states are produced from isodoublet (I=1/2) Sigma(c)(D) over bar interaction with spin parity J(P) = 1/2(-) and Sigma(c)(D) over bar interaction with 1/2 and 3/2, Their masses and widths are consistent with the 13;(4312), P,(4440) and 13,(4457) observed at LHCb, The states, Ec* D*(1/2), L'*LP (3/2) and Z7D(3/2), are also produced with the same parameters, The isodoublet Zcs D* interaction with 5/2, as well as the isoquartet (1=3/2) Z,D* interactions with 1/2 and 3/2, D* interaction with 3/2 and 5/2, are also attractive while very large cutoff is required to produce a molecular state. We also investigate the origin of the widths of these molecular states in the same qBSE frame. The AD* channel is dominant in the decays of the states, Z,D*(1/2), 2,',D*(3/2), 1:','D(3/2), and Z D(1/2). The Z,*D*(1/2) state has large coupling to Z D channel while the 2: D*, D and A D* channels provide similar contributions to the width of the Z,* D5(3/2) state. These results will be helpful to understand the current LUCY) experimental results, and the three predicted states and the decay pattern of these hidden -charmed molecular pentaquarks can be checked in future experiments.