Decomposition based efficient algorithms for knowledge reduction
Na Jiao,Duoqian Miao,Hongyun Zhang
Abstract:Knowledge reduction, one of essential issues for data mining, has alwaysbeen a, hot topic due to the explosive growth of inform,a,tion. However, whenhandling large-scale data, m,any current knowledge reduction m,ethod,s based, onrough set theory are incapable. In this paper, efficient algorithms forknowledge reduction are put forward, based, on decomposition principle. Theidea, of decomposition is to break a, complex problem, down into a,m,a,ster-problem, and, several sub-problem,s that are simpler, m,orem,a,na,gea,ble and, m,ore solvable by using existing induction methods, thenjoining them, together in order to solve the original problem,. Compared, withsom,e traditional methods, the efficiency of the proposed algorithms can beillustrated by experiments with standard datasets from, UCI database. ICIC International © 2010.