Effects of the Different Elutions of Hyssopus cuspidatus on Smooth Muscle Contraction of Isolated Tracheal in Guinea Pigs
Fengjuan YUAN,Yuhua SUN,HAMULATI·Hasimu,Xintang WANG,Jinhua HE,Yan MAO
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6039/j.issn.1001-0408.2017.13.18
Abstract:OBJECTIVE:To investigate the effects of different elutions of Hyssopus cuspidatus on smooth muscle contraction of isolated tracheal in Guinea pigs. METHODS:Isolated tracheal rings were prepared and soaked in Krebs-Henseleit,using acetyl-choline(ACh,1×10-7 g/mL)or histamine(His,1×10-6 g/mL)to induce contraction of tracheal rings,then the effects of H. cuspi-datus water elution and 30%,50%,60%,70%,95%ethanol elutions with mass concentrations of 0.08,0.16,0.32,0.64,1.28, 2.56 mg/mL on contraction of tracheal rings were respectively investigated. Contraction curves were recorded and antispasmodic rates were calculated. Tests were treated with saline as blank control and aminophylline (0.08 mg/mL) as positive control. RE-SULTS:Compared with blank control,0.16-2.56 mg/mL 30%,50% ethanol elution,0.32-2.56 mg/mL 60% ethanol elution and 0.64-2.56 mg/mL 70%,95% ethanol elution can obviously inhibit ACh-induced contraction of tracheal rings,antispasmodic rates were obviously increased(P<0.05 or P<0.01);0.32-2.56 mg/mL water elution and 30%,50% ethanol elution,0.16-2.56 mg/mL 60%,70% ethanol elution and 1.28-2.56 mg/mL 95% ethanol elution can obviously inhibit His-induced contraction of tracheal rings,antispasmodic rates were obviously increased (P<0.05 or P<0.01). The effects of 2.56 mg/mL 60% ethanol elution ap-proach to aminophylline. CONCLUSIONS:Different elutions of H. cuspidatus has certain antagonistic effect on the ACh-induced or His-induced smooth muscle contraction of isolated tracheal in Guinea pigs;60% ethanol elution shows the strongest effect, which has similar effects with aminophylline at high mass concentration.