Privacy-Preserving Decentralized Key-Policy Attribute-Based Signcryption in Cloud Computing Environments

Meng Xian Yong,Chen Zhong,Meng Xiang Yu
Applied Mechanics and Materials
Abstract:In this paper, a novel decentralized key-policy attribute-based signcryption (ABS) scheme is proposed, where each authority can generate secret-public key pair for the user independently without any cooperation and a centralized authority. In the proposed scheme, each authority can join or leave the system randomly without reinitializing the system, and issue secret-public keys to user respectively. Therefore, it is clear that the multi-authority attribute-based access control scheme can reduce the communication cost and the collaborative computing cost. Additionally, the attribute-based signcryption scheme is efficient in terms of both the identification authentication and the confidential communication, and can realize security secret sharing in cloud computing environments.
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