The consistency of dermoscopy and histopathology in the diagnosis of melanocytic nevus, seborrheic keratosis and solar keratosis
Xinrong YANG,Rui SUN,Dingfen YUAN,Hui DENG
Abstract:Objective: To determine the accuracy and consistency of dermoscope in the diagnose of mel ̄anocytic nevus, seborrheic keratosis and solar keratosis. Methods:Cases from November 2013 to March 2015 which were chinical diagnosed as melanocytic nevus, seborrheic keratosis and solar keratosis were enrolled, including clinical data, clinical pictures, dermoscopic diagnosis and pathological findings. Then two doctors evalauted the dermoscopy seperately, and compared with the histopathological findings. Results:( 1) For the nevus the consistencysensitivity, specificity, misdiagnosis rate,and false dismissal rate between those two eval ̄uators were seperatively (89.3%, 91.2%), (94%, 95.2%), (84.2%, 86.8%), (15.8%, 13.2%) and (6%, 4.8%). (2) For the seborrheic keratosis, the consitency, sensitivity, sepecificity, misdiagnosis rate and false dismissal rate were ( 88%, 91. 7%) , ( 91. 7%, 95. 8%) , ( 83. 6%, 86. 9%) , ( 16. 4%, 13. 5%) and (8.3%, 4.2%). (3) For the solar keratosis, the consistency, sensitivity, specificity, misdiagnosis rate and false dismissal rate were (84.1%, 86.4%), (87.5%, 87.5%), (17.9%, 12.5%), (82.1%, 85.7%) and (17.9%, 14.3%). Conclusion:There was a high consistency in the diagnosis of melanocytic nevus and seborrheic keratosis with demoscopy, and solar keratosis by dermoscopy.