Enhanced Gamma-Ray-Excited Radioluminescent Of Core-Shell Nagdf4:Eu@Nalnf(4) (Ln= Y, Gd, Lu) Nanocrystals By Radiopharmaceutical For Optical Imaging
Tianye Cao,Sheng Cao,Mengting Li,Dawei Jiang,Miao Li,Dalong Ni,Jonathan Engle,Mingwei Wang,Weibo Cai
Abstract:334 Objectives: Nanoparticles combined with diagnostic radionuclides that generate radioluminescence by the ionizing radiation (β or γ -ray, X-ray, etc.) are used in diagnostic bio-imaging and therapy. Even though Cerenkov light emission of β particles is the main application of radioisotope luminescence, it is more useful for γ-ray-excited luminescent imaging since most of the radiated energy in the form of γ photons during radioactive decay. As recently reports, europium (Eu) nanoparticles could generate luminescence by excited the γ-ray, and the mechanism may be excited by characteristic X-rays from γ-ray-excited high-atomic-number (Z) elements. Thus, we aim to evaluate γ-ray-excited radioluminescence processes, and verified factors of this successive energy excitation transformation. Methods: In a typical procedure, we prepared the hexagonal phase host materials: NaLnF4, doping different ratio Eu as activators: NaGdF4:x%Eu (x=1, 5, 15 and 30) and core-shell structure NaGdF4:Eu@NaLnF4 (Ln= Y, Gd, Lu) nanocrystals as a model system by co-precipitation procedure. Subsequently, surface ligand of oleate acid (OA) molecules were removed to hyaluronic acid (HA) for bioapplication by NOBF4 method. Then, we proposed the γ-ray (99mTc) excited luminescence imaging and spectra of different nanocrystals. Furthermore, we applied NaGdF4:15%Eu@NaLuF4 with synergistic excitation by γ-ray of 99mTc-SC for γ-ray-excited NPs luminescent imaging of sentinel lymph node and SPECT imaging. Results: On the basis of the energy-matching principle, the Gd3+-based host materials, as an ideal energy accumulator (∼4.0 eV energy gap of 6P7/2→8S7/2), could effectively harvest energy transfer to Eu3+ through long-range energy migration in the sub-lattice. Further increase in the Eu3+-doped percentages also led to concentration quenching and reduced emitted luminescence intensities for NaGdF4:15%Eu, which follow the same energy transfer mechanism of luminescence. Then, we successfully enhanced the γ-ray-excited radioluminescence intensity obviously by coating the NaLuF4 shell. The result demonstrated that NaLuF4 shell not only provided the highest characteristic X-rays energy (55, 62 eV) for excitation, but also the core-shell structure improved X-ray absorption ability. Conclusions: Our findings could influence the study of the γ-ray-excited radioluminescence processes and provide a better understanding of energy transfer in lanthanide-doped materials systems. The results presented here suggest that NaGdF4:15%Eu@NaLuF4 nanocrystal is achievable through the use of γ-ray-excited secondary characteristic X-rays for excitation. By combining γ-ray-excited luminescence and radiopharmaceutical (99mTc-SC) with optical imaging and SPECT/CT, we have been able to map the sentinel lymph node for imaging-guided resection. As such it is anticipated that this technique will greatly expand the repertoire of possible γ-ray-excited nanomaterials, with relevant applications for fields as diverse as chemical sensing, biological imaging, and photodynamic therapy.
Acknowledgements:This study was supported partly by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 21771041, No. 11275050, No. 81401514).