Design and Implement of a Distributed Mass Storage Testing Monitoring System
Qiu Quanwei,Zhu Ligu,Yang Xiaoshan,Zhao Tingtao,Ma Na,Zheng Liang
Journal of Computer Research and Development
Abstract:In the distributed mass storage testing,some test nodes may be the situation of depletion of resources even crash,which seriously affected the results of accuracy and credibility.Meanwhile,in order to meet the testing task of different scale,test platform needs to support the dynamic increase of nodes,but the system's availability,manageability shoule not lower.Finally,since there are a large number of database operations on the test platform,then we should have an accurate assessment of MySQL database's performance.To solve the above problems,we must design and implement a distributed monitoring management system,so that real-time monitor test nodes,test tasks and MySQL's performance,provide alarm system as well,which plays an important role on rationalizing the test tasks,allocation of system resources and improving overall system's performance.