Semi-linear linear index model when the linear covariates and indices are independent
Yun Sam Chong,Jane-Ling Wang,Lixing Zhu
Abstract:Most dimension reduction models are suited for continuous but not for discrete covariates. A flexible model to incorporate both discrete and continuous covariates is to assume that some covariates, a q-dimensional vector Z, are related to the response variable, Y , through a linear relationship; while the remaining covariates, a p-dimensional vector X, are related to Y through k indices which are X ′B and some unknown function g. This results in a semiparametric model called semi-linear index model, which includes both the popular single-index model and the partial linear model as special cases. To avoid the curse of dimensionality, k should be much smaller than p, and this is often realistic as the key features of a high dimensional variable can often be extracted through a low-dimensional subspace. Two approaches to estimate the model components have been considered by Carroll, Fan, Gijbels and Wand (1997) and Yu and Ruppert (2002). Both focus on the simple case where k = 1, as these approaches are challenged computationally when k > 1. These computational challenges are partly triggered by the fact that the estimation of the parametric components is integrated with the nonparametric estimation of the link function g. Moreover, the theory for both approaches is incomplete. We show in this paper that a simple approach which separates the dimension reduction stage to estimate B from the remaining model components is available when the two covariates Z and X are independent. For instance, one can apply any suitable dimension reduction approach, such as the average derivative method, the projection pursuit regression or sliced inverse regression, to get an initial estimator for B which is consistent at the √ n rate, and then apply a suitable approach, such as the profile ∗Wang’s research was supported in part by NSF grants DMS-0406430 and DMS-98-03627. †Zhu’s research was supported by the grants (HKU7181/02H and HKU7060/04P) from The Research Grants Council of Hong Kong. AMS 2000 subject classifications: Primary 62G08, 62G20; secondary 62F12