Generation of a luciferase-based reporter for CHH and CG DNA methylation in Arabidopsis thaliana

Thanh Theresa Dinh,Michael O’Leary,So Youn Won,Shengben Li,Lorena Arroyo,Xigang Liu,Andrew Defries,Binglian Zheng,Sean R Cutler,Xuemei Chen
Abstract:Background DNA methylation ensures genome integrity and regulates gene expression indiverse eukaryotes. In Arabidopsis , methylation occurs in threesequence contexts: CG, CHG and CHH. The initial establishment of DNAmethylation at all three sequence contexts occurs through a process known asRNA-directed DNA methylation (RdDM), in which small RNAs bound by Argonaute4(AGO4) guide DNA methylation at homologous loci through the de novo methyltransferase DRM2. Once established, DNA methylation at each of thethree sequence contexts is maintained through different mechanisms. Althoughsome players involved in RdDM and maintenance methylation have beenidentified, the underlying molecular mechanisms are not fully understood. Toaid the comprehensive identification of players in DNA methylation, wegenerated a transgenic reporter system that permits genetic and chemicalgenetic screens in Arabidopsis . Results A dual 35S promoter ( d35S ) driven luciferase ( LUC )reporter was introduced into Arabidopsis and LUCL , a linewith a low basal level of luciferase activity, was obtained. LUCL was found to be a multi-copy, single-insertion transgene that containsmethylated cytosines in CG, CHG and CHH contexts, with the highestmethylation in the CG context. Methylation was present throughout thepromoter and LUC coding region. Treatment with an inhibitor ofcytosine methylation de-repressed luciferase activity. A mutation in MET1 , which encodes the CG maintenance methyltransferase,drastically reduced CG methylation and de-repressed LUC expression.Mutations in AGO4 and DRM2 also de-repressed LUC expression, albeit to a smaller extent than loss of MET1 . Using LUCL as a reporter line, we performed a chemical screen forcompounds that de-repress LUC expression, and identified achemical, methotrexate, known to be involved in biogenesis of the methyldonor. Conclusion We developed a luciferase-based reporter system, LUCL , which reportsboth RdDM and CG maintenance methylation in Arabidopsis . The lowbasal level of LUCL expression provides an easy readout in geneticand chemical genetic screens that will dissect the mechanisms of RdDM andmethylation maintenance.
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