Next-to-leading-order corrections to B ! form factors in kT factorization
Hsiang-nan Li,Yue-Long Shen,Yu-Ming Wang
Abstract:kT factorization Hsiang-nan Li, Yue-Long Shen, and Yu-Ming Wang Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei 115, Taiwan, Republic of China Department of Physics, National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan, Republic of China Department of Physics, National Tsing-Hua University, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan, Republic of China College of Information Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, Shandong 266100, People’s Republic of China Theoretische Elementarteilchenphysik, Naturwissenschaftlich Technische Fakultät, Universiät Siegen, 57068 Siegen, Germany (Received 30 January 2012; published 3 April 2012) We calculate next-to-leading-order (NLO) corrections to the B ! transition form factors at leading twist in the kT factorization theorem. Light partons off shell by k 2 T are considered in the quark diagrams, in the effective diagrams for the B-meson wave function defined with the effective heavy-quark field, and in the effective diagrams for the pion wave function. It is explicitly demonstrated that the infrared logarithms lnkT cancel between the above sets of diagrams, as deriving the kT-dependent NLO hard kernel from their difference. The infrared finiteness of the hard kernel confirms the application of the kT factorization theorem to B-meson semileptonic decays. The NLO pion wave function is identical to those constructed from the pion transition and electromagnetic form factors, consistent with its universality. Choosing the renormalization and factorization scales lower than the B-meson mass, the NLO corrections are under control: they amount only up to 30% of the form factors at large recoil of the pion, when varying models for the meson wave functions.