Loop-level double-copy for massive fermions in the fundamental
John Joseph M. Carrasco,Aslan Seifi
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP05%282023%29217
Abstract:We find that unitarity cuts and the duality between color and kinematics are sufficient constraints to bootstrap $D$-dimensional QCD scattering amplitudes starting from three-particle tree-level. Specifically, we calculate tree level amplitudes through six-points, as well as the four-point one-loop correction for massive fermions in the fundamental representation of the gauge group -- constructing a color-dual representation of the latter for the first time. To do so we clarify a prescription for functional kinematic ansatze involving fermionic matter. The advantages of color-dual calculation, familiar from particles in the adjoint, also apply here: only a small number of basis topologies must be constrained via physical information of the theory, and algebraic relations propagate this to a full solution. As all the QCD amplitudes we construct here are color-dual, they trivially generate $D$-dimensional amplitudes in gravitational theories via double-copy construction.
High Energy Physics - Theory,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology