Equalities and inequalities related to covers of z or groups
Peter Junghanns,Giuseppe Mastroianni,Incoronata Notarangelo
Abstract:This is an introduction to equalities and inequalities related to coverings of the integers by residue classes and covers of groups by cosets or subgroups. The field is connected with number theory, combinatorics, algebra and analysis. 1. The Davenport-Mirsky-Newman-Rado result and its generalizations Let N = {0, 1, 2, · · · } and Z = {1, 2, 3, · · · }. For a ∈ Z and n ∈ Z we let a(n) = a+ nZ = {x ∈ Z : x ≡ a (mod n)} = {· · · , a− n, a, a+ n, · · · }. It will be called a residue class with modulus n, or an arithmetic sequence with difference n. Note that 0(1) = Z is considered as a residue class with modulus 1. A finite system (1.1) A = {as(ns)}s=1 of such sets is said to be a cover or covering system (CS) (of Z) if each integer lies in at least one of the classes in (1.1). The concept of cover was first introduced by P. Erdös in 1934 when he answered a question of Romanoff. Erdös [1950, Summa Brasil. Math.; MR 13,437]: There is an infinite arithmetic progression of odd integers no term of which is of the form 2 + p, where k is a positive integer and p is an odd prime. Here are some other important applications of covers of Z. F. Cohen and J.L. Selfrige [1975, Math. Comput.; MR 51#12758], Z. W. Sun [2000, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.]: The residue class 47867742232066880047611079(66483084961588510124010691590) 1