Near-MDS Codes from Maximal Arcs in PG$(2,q)$
Li Xu,Cuiling Fan,Dongchun Han
Abstract:The singleton defect of an $[n,k,d]$ linear code ${\cal C}$ is defined as $s({\cal C})=n-k+1-d$. Codes with $S({\cal C})=0$ are called maximum distance separable (MDS) codes, and codes with $S(\cal C)=S(\cal C ^{\bot})=1$ are called near maximum distance separable (NMDS) codes. Both MDS codes and NMDS codes have good representations in finite projective geometry.
MDS codes over $F_q$ with length $n$ and $n$-arcs in PG$(k-1,q)$ are equivalent objects. When $k=3$, NMDS codes of length $n$ are equivalent to $(n,3)$-arcs in PG$(2,q)$. In this paper, we deal with the NMDS codes with dimension 3. By adding some suitable projective points in maximal arcs of PG$(2,q)$, we can obtain two classes of $(q+5,3)$-arcs (or equivalently $[q+5,3,q+2]$ NMDS codes) for any prime power $q$.
We also determine the exact weight distribution
and the locality of such NMDS codes and their duals. It turns out that the resultant NMDS codes and their duals are both distance-optimal and dimension-optimal locally recoverable codes.
Information Theory