Semiflexible polymer conformation, distribution and migration in microcapillary flows
Raghunath Chelakkot,Roland G. Winkler,Gerhard Gompper
Abstract:The flow behavior of a semiflexible polymer in microchannels is studied using Multiparticle Collision Dynamics (MPC), a particle-based hydrodynamic simulation technique. Conformations, distributions, and radial cross-streamline migration are investigated for various bending rigidities, with persistence lengths Lp in the range 0.5 < Lp/Lr < 30. The flow behavior is governed by the competition between a hydrodynamic lift force and steric wall-repulsion, which lead to migration away from the wall, and a locally varying flow-induced orientation, which drives polymer away from the channel center and towards the wall. The different dependencies of these effects on the polymer bending rigidity and the flow velocity results in a complex dynamical behavior. However, a generic effect is the appearance of a maximum in the monomer and the center-of-mass distributions, which occurs in the channel center for small flow velocities, but moves off-center at higher velocities.
Soft Condensed Matter,Statistical Mechanics,Biological Physics