Macrofungal Diversity in Eucalyptus grandis Forests in Sichuan Province
PAN xin,ZHANG jian,ZHU tianhui,LIANG hongping
Abstract:Macrofungi resources under Eucalyptus grandis inforests were investigated timely to unravel the diversity of the macrofungi, its ecological distribution, and ecological factors. In addition to fungi morphology discrimination, the ITS region was amplified and sequenced to identify the species of fungi. In addition, soil factors were investigated according to the national standard. All the data were analyzed statistically. Results show that the macrofungi diversity of the Eucalyptus grandis inforests in Sichuan Province was rich. Seventeen fungal species belonging to ten genera were found under Eucalyptus grandis inforests, among which seven species were ectomycorrhiza, eleven were edible, and ten were medicinal. Sclerodermataceae’s and Lycoperdaceae’s fungus accounted for 60% of the total species. Lepiotaceae and Agaricaceae accounted for about 11.8% and 11.8%. Others, such as Pisolithus, Tricholomataceae and Geastraceae, only accounted for 5.9%, 5.9%, and 5.9%, respectively. Among those of seventeen fungal species, Scleroderma areolatum and Vascellum pretense species were the predominant fungi. Moreover, a new record species, Tricholoma argyreum, was first found in Sichuan Province under Eucalyptus grandis inforests. The fungus appeared regularly, varying with season. There was less fungi appearing during the period through March to April, began to grow in May and June, and boosted between July and August. With increasing crown density, the diversity of fungi also increased. The appearance of fungi seemed to have something to do with exposure. The fungi grew much more on slops facing north than slops facing south. In general, the living conditions of the macrofungi were as follows: they grew in areas facing north and semi-nouthward, with altitude ranging between 300-650 m and canopy density exceeding 0.7. Simpson index-based analysis show that the number at Pengshan was above 0.6, between 0.5-0.6 at Danling, Jinyan and Shawan, and below 0.5 at Yibin, Luzhou and Ya’an. The results also reveal that macrofungi favors the acidic environment, and the content of organic matter, N, P and K were significantly higher than those of negative control. It could be concluded that if the diversity is rich, macrofungi can lead to decreases of soil pH, and significant increases of the content of organic matter, N, P and K. Macrofungi under Eucalyptus grandis inforests plays a particularly important role in soil nutrient cycling, improving the quality of forestry, maintaining the diversity, and stabilizing man-made forest ecosystems.