A hybrid 3DMLUV-ACA method for scattering from a 3-D PEC object above a 2-D gaussian dielectric rough surface

Changming Li,Siyuan He,Guoqiang Zhu,Zhe Zhang,Fangshun Deng,BoXun Xiao
Abstract:The bistatic electromagnetic scattering from the composite model of a three-dimensional (3-D) arbitrarily shaped object located above a two-dimensional (2-D) Gaussian rough surface is analyzed in this work. The object suited above is assumed to be a perfect electric conductor (PEC) while the rough surface is dielectric. Firstly, the Poggio, Miller, Chang, Harrington, Wu and Tsai (PMCHWT) integral equations, electric field integral equation (EFIE) are implemented and extended on the rough surface and on the surface of the object respectively. Then, the method of moments (MoM) combined with Galerkin method is introduced to discretize the integral equations to the matrix form using RWG basis function. Due to the memory requirement and computational complexity of traditional MOM are O(N-2) (N is the number of unknowns), the rank based 3-D Multilevel UV method (3DMLUV) is employed to reduce memory and CPU time overhead. The 3DMLUV has been successfully applied in the scattering of PEC targets, however, when the object or rough surface become dielectric, the fast fill-in method proposed in Reference [19] often breaks down due to the oscillatory nature of the gradient of Green's function. Therefore, the ACA is applied to speed up the filling of the impedance entries required in 3DMLUV because of its algebraic nature. The efficiency and accuracy of the proposed method are demonstrated in a variety of scattering problems.
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