Effect of diet upon serum ribonuclease concentration in the rat.
A. Shenkin,S. Bielecka
Proceedings of The Nutrition Society
Abstract:and therefore the efficiency of microbial synthesis calculated from the output of particulate DM did not change (Y ATP = 9.5k0.2 g/mol for four vessels). If the DAP output is used to calculate the net synthesis of bacterial matter, Y ATP would change markedly with dilution rate. These results show that although DAP is a convenient and valuable bacterial marker, its use requires utmost caution, even in a simplified model system. As part of an investigation of factors influencing the composition and processing characteristics of cow's milk, two 4x4 Latin Square experiments were conducted with Ayrshire cows in mid-lactation, to describe the effect of diet on milk citric acid and soluble calcium contents; these constituents influence the heat stability of milks concentrated to approximately 45% solids (Banks & Muir, 1978). In the first experiment four cows and four diets were used and the experimental periods were 4 weeks. The diets were two mixtures of grass silage and a dairy concentrate containing barley (60:qo and 22:78 respectively) and two similar mixtures in which the concentrate contained barley and flaked maize. The second experiment was of similar design to the first but the diets consisted of grass silage, dairy concentrates and ground-pelleted dried grass (50:50:o, 30:50:zo, 20:50:30 and o:50:50). In both experiments diets leading to a reduction in milk fat content i.e. both high concentrate diets in the first experiment and the o:50:50 diet in the second experiment, led to consistent reductions in milk citric acid content and milk soluble calcium content, and there were significant correlations between soluble calcium and citric acid (t 0.89, P<O.OOI, and r 0.86, Pro.001 for the first and second experiments respectively). However, the effects of diet were not sufficiently large to achieve P<0.05 levels of statistical significance with the number of animals used. animals obtain their amino acids largely from microbial protein synthesized in the rumen and from feed proteins which escape rumen degradation. In the absence of direct information on the nutritive value of undegraded feed that all feed proteins entering the intestine A study of protein metabolism in adult diabetic patients did not show any difference between rates of whole-body protein synthesis before and after short periods of insulin treatment (Albertse et al. 1979). This contrasts with the large decrease in muscle-protein synthesis found in streptozotocin diabetic rats (Pain & Garlick, I 974). Whole-body protein synthesis and oxidation rates were therefore determined in diabetic and insulin treated rats. 1-W-1eucine was infused intravenously over 4 h, "TO2 collected and the specific activity of leucine in the plasma measured (Waterlow et al. 1978). In Expt I (see Table), 4 d after diabetes was induced by injection of streptozotocin food intake of the diabetic rats were similar to that of control rats. Despite a highly significant (P<o-ooI) increase in oxidation rate, synthesis dropped only slightly. In Expt 2 the rats had been diabetic for 8 d and were also hyperphagic compared with their controls. Rates of oxidation were even more elevated and there was a statistically significant decrease in the rate of the whole-body protein synthesis, as expected from in vivo and in vitro studies on individual tissues. In Expt 3 4 d diabetic rats were treated with insulin P.Z.I. (4 units/d) for a further 4 d. This normalized blood glucose values and caused a similar hyperphagic response as in 8 d diabetic rats. Growth rates and body-weights were comparable to those of control rats within this time period. Insulin treatment also brought the protein synthesis rates back to near normal values, but oxidation rates were still significantly increased. Protein breakdown rates can be calculated but in practise were difficult to interpret. The acid test of the proposals for a new system for rationing protein to ruminants (Roy et al. 1977) will be its ability to predict animal performance accurately. The aim of the present work was to give some background to the effectiveness of the initial proposals by a comparison of predicted (Roy et al. 1977) with measured performance of cows. Sixteen mature Friesian cows a weeks From weeks of four cows were offered of four different for rumen degradable protein:undegraded protein. All cows were offered 20 kg maize silage, 2 kg alkali-treated straw cubes and I I . 5 kg concentratedd. The concentrates contained urea:fish-meal (g/kg); 25:0(U), 16:40(UF,), 8:80(UF,) or 0: 122(F). All rations contained 139-145 g crude proteidkg DM. Digestibility of the rations was measured in a Latin Square experiment with four heifers fed at maintenance. Two of the current methods for measuring dry matter and nitrogen flow through re-entrant cannulas in the duodenum of pigs have been shown to give markedly different results (Low & Zebrowska, 1977). Because these methods interfere with the flow of digesta, a novel sampler has been made (from acetal co-polymer plastic); this fits into the centre of a re-entrant cannula and interrupts the normal flow of digesta from exit to entry cannulas for 5 s in every IOO s. During the 5 s periods, digesta pass to a sample bottle maintained at gut lumen pressure. The sampler is controlled through two 2 m cables by two timers and solenoids standing in a box behind the cage in which the pig is housed. The effects of different sources of dietary carbohydrate on the net production of microbial protein were measured in sheep. Three sheep with re-entrant cannulas in the proximal duodenum were given three diets in successive periods of three weeks according to a Latin Square design. The duodenal digesta were collected over 48 h periods. Daily production of microbial protein was estimated to consist of the daily flow of N x 6.25 less N present as ammonia and as undigested dietary N. Each diet contained 25 g/kg of N in a degradable form (857' as urea and 15% as lactic casein). Alkali-treated barley straw, starch and sucrose were the major sources of carbohydrate in the diets; 9% cotton linters were added to the starch and sucrose diets to maintain normal ruminal function. The ratio degradable N to S was 8: I in each diet. The results are summarized in the Table and show that the fluid flow through the duodenum was greater and the organic matter disappearing anterior to the duodenum smaller for the diet containing alkali-treated straw than for the others. This could have arisen from greater salivary flow with the more fibrous diet. The estimated production of microbial N was marginally greater for the diet containing the alkali-treated straw, a trend which agrees with that noted by Harrison et al. (1976). The fermented organic matter (FOM) was estimated by assuming that microbial organic matter contains 10.5% N. During two dives of 420 metres of sea water (msw; 43 bar), divers were given a fixed diet enabling investigations into nitrogen, mineral and energy metabolism to be carried out. The four subjects showed an increased 24 h urinary-N (with constant faecal-N) on reaching maximum depth, the bulk of which was increased urea excretion; creatinine and uric acid remained constant. Collagen metabolism was apparently normal as urinary levels of hydroxyproline, and circulatory levels of proline and proline-iminopeptidase remained unchanged throughout the dives. Confinement and lack of exercise that might have caused muscle wasting appear not to have contributed as the N excretion had returned to normal by 300 msw during the decompression and 3-methylhistidine in plasma was also unchanged. However, of the twenty-one amino acids surveyed in plasma only glycine, valine and lycine were raised at 420 msw with only the glycine levels being raised significantly; normal levels were recorded at the start of compression and during the decompression. either a similar pattern varying stimulating We have previously shown that in starvation the rate of protein synthesis is reduced in both liver and small intestine (McNurlan et al. 1979). The effect of changes in amino acid supply on rates of protein synthesis in the intact animal was further investigated by studying rats which were: (a) given a protein-free diet for 8 d and (b) hyperphagic, 10 d after induction of diabetes with streptozotocin. Rates of protein synthesis were measured by assessing incorporation of isotope 10 min after injecting [ ~J~CIleucine ( IOO pmoVIoo g body-weight). The results indicate the decreased production of cows offered PP may be explicable in part by a reduction in both intake and apparent digestibility of nutrients. The excretion rate of 3-methylhistidine (3MH) is widely used as an index of skeletal muscle protein degradation in several species. Although at least 75% of protein-bound 3MH occurs in skeletal muscle it should be recognized that turnover rate as well as pool size determines production rate. Rapidly turning over pools in skin and intestinal muscle could make substantial contributions to 3MH excretion (Nishizawa et al. 1977). We have investigated this in two experiments. We have measured turnover rates of 3MH in skeletal muscle, skin and intestine in rats by measuring incorporation rates of radioactivity from S-adenosyl methionine labelled with [14C]methionine (methyl). Assuming that in non-growing rats protein synthesis and degradation rates are equal, the degradation rates of 3MH in skeletal muscle, skin and intestine were 1.0, 3.2 and g.g%/d respectively. Furthermore, if the degradation rate of the 3MH in the rest of the body is the mean value of these three tissues, then taking account of their respective pool sizes, skeletal muscle may account for as little as 25% of urinary excretion. labelling I Previous measurements indicated that proteolytic activity was increased in skeletal muscle, only in proteindeficient rats in a terminal state, while during the first 7 d of rehabilitation the activity fell (Millward, 1971). We now report on the e