Performance Analysis of Parallel Programming Paradigms on CPU-GPU Clusters
H. A. Sanjay,T. Srinivas,B. Chandrashekhar
Abstract:CPU-GPU based cluster computing in today’s modern world encompasses the domain of complex and high-intensity computation. To exploit the efficient resource utilization of a cluster, traditional programming paradigm is not sufficient. Therefore, in this article, the performance parallel programming paradigms like OpenMP on CPU cluster and CUDA on GPU cluster using BFS and DFS graph algorithms is analyzed. This article analyzes the time efficiency to traverse the graphs with the given number of nodes in two different processors. Here, CPU with OpenMP platform and GPU with CUDA platform support multi-thread processing to yield results for various nodes. From the experimental results, it is observed that parallelization with the OpenMP programming model using the graph algorithm does not boost the performance of the CPU processors, instead, it decreases the performance by adding overheads like idling time, inter-thread communication, and excess computation. On the other hand, the CUDA parallel programming paradigm on GPU yields better results. The implementation achieves a speed-up of 187 to 240 times over the CPU implementation. This comparative study assists the programmers provocatively and select the optimum choice among OpenMP and CUDA parallel programming paradigms.
Engineering,Computer Science