Learning Multi-Pattern Normalities in the Frequency Domain for Efficient Time Series Anomaly Detection
Feiyi Chen,Yingying zhang,Zhen Qin,Lunting Fan,Renhe Jiang,Yuxuan Liang,Qingsong Wen,Shuiguang Deng
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/icde60146.2024.00047
Abstract:Anomaly detection significantly enhances the robustness of cloud systems.While neural network-based methods have recently demonstrated strongadvantages, they encounter practical challenges in cloud environments: thecontradiction between the impracticality of maintaining a unique model for eachservice and the limited ability to deal with diverse normal patterns by aunified model, as well as issues with handling heavy traffic in real time andshort-term anomaly detection sensitivity. Thus, we propose MACE, a multi-normal-pattern accommodated and efficientanomaly detection method in the frequency domain for time series anomalydetection. There are three novel characteristics of it: (i) a patternextraction mechanism excelling at handling diverse normal patterns with aunified model, which enables the model to identify anomalies by examining thecorrelation between the data sample and its service normal pattern, instead ofsolely focusing on the data sample itself; (ii) a dualistic convolutionmechanism that amplifies short-term anomalies in the time domain and hindersthe reconstruction of anomalies in the frequency domain, which enlarges thereconstruction error disparity between anomaly and normality and facilitatesanomaly detection; (iii) leveraging the sparsity and parallelism of frequencydomain to enhance model efficiency. We theoretically and experimentally provethat using a strategically selected subset of Fourier bases can not only reducecomputational overhead but is also profitable to distinguish anomalies,compared to using the complete spectrum. Moreover, extensive experimentsdemonstrate MACE's effectiveness in handling diverse normal patterns with aunified model and it achieves state-of-the-art performance with highefficiency.