More attention needed for control of hepatitis E

Abstract:Hepatitis E virus is a major cause of sporadic and epidemic viral hepatitis.About one third of the general population in China have been infected with the virus.The disease mainly affects lead to the middle-aged and elderly populations.Although hepatitis E tends to be self-limited and usually does not chronic hepatitis,the mortality of the disease is relatively high.At least four genotypes of hepatitis E viruses have been identified by now.Genotype 1 and 4 are prevalent in China.Genotype 3 and 4 are mainly found in pigs and are zoonotic.A randomized,double-blinded,placebo controlled,phase 3 trial of a recombinant vaccine,HEV 239,produced in China showed that the vaccine is well tolerated and effective in preventing hepatitis E in the general population.It might be used for prevention of hepatitis E in high-risk populations.Abstract:Summ ary:Hepatitis E virus is a m ajor cause of sporad ic and ep idem ic viral hepatitis.About one th ird of the general popu lation in Ch ina have been infected w ith the virus.The d isease m ain ly affects lead to the m idd le-aged and elderly popu lations.A lthough hepatitis E tends to be self-lim ited and usually does not chron ic hepatitis,the mortality of the d isease is relatively h igh.At least four genotypes of hepatitis E viruses have been identified by now.Genotype 1 and 4 are prevalent in Ch ina.Genotype 3 and 4 are m ain ly found in p igs and are zoonotic.A ran-dom ized,doub le-b linded,p lacebo controlled,phase 3 trial of a recomb inant vacc ine,HEV 239,produced in Ch ina showed that the vacc ine is well tolerated and effective in preventing hepatitis E in the general popu lation.Itm ight be used for prevention of hepatitis E in h igh-risk popu lations.
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