Mapping of the ligand binding domain of the transforming growth factor f 8 receptor type III by deletion mutagenesis etagycan )
M. Pepin,M. Beauchemin,J. Plamondon,Maureen D. O'CONNORMCCOURT
Abstract:Transforming growth factor P (TGF-(3) receptor type m is a membrane-anchored proteoglycan that binds TGF-fi via the core protein. We have determined, by deletion mutagenesis of the receptor type HI, the minimal essential region of the extracellular domain that is capable of binding TGF-(3. Nine deletion mutants were produced, six of which are expressed on the cell surface and bind TGF-j3. We find that the shortest ofthese active mutants, which retains only 253 of the 785 amino acids of the extracellular domain, binds TGF-I3 with the same affinity as the full-length receptor. These results indicate that the ligand binding domain lies proximal to the transmembrane domain and is functionally independent from the rest of the extracellular domain. We have determined from the mutants that one of the potential glycosaminoglycan attachment sites in the receptor type IH is not utilized. Results from the nonglycosylated mutants confirm that the glycosaminoglycan chains are not required for the folding, targeting, and TGF-.8 binding activity of the receptor. Moreover, we present evidence for dimerization and multimerization of the receptor. Transforming growth factors (3 [TGF-P3s (TGF-p1-TGF-(33 in mammals)] are closely related secreted peptides that regulate extracellular matrix formation, cell growth, and differentiation (1, 2). Most cells display three types of cell surface TGF-P receptors that can be divided into two groups (3, 4): those thought to be involved in signaling (receptor types I and II) (5) and receptor type III, which is thought to act as an enhancer of TGF-f3 access to the signaling receptors (6, 7). Receptor types I and II seem to be directly involved in signal transduction since the loss of expression of either type I or types I and II receptors results in the loss of response to the growth-inhibitory effect of TGF-(3 in tumor cell lines (8-12) or in mutagenized mink lung epithelial cells (13-16). Recent cloning of type I and type II receptors revealed that their cytoplasmic domains contain serine/threonine kinase motifs suggesting that they mediate a phosphorylationdependent transduction of signal (5, 17-19). Receptor type I is a 53-kDa transmembrane protein that requires the presence of receptor type II in order to bind TGF-,8 (5, 16, 19). On the other hand, receptor type II is a 73-kDa protein that can independently bind TGF-(3 (17) but requires the presence of receptor type I for signaling (5). Receptor type III is coexpressed with receptor types I and II in various cell types and in most cases is the major TGF-P binding molecule on the cell surface (1, 9, 20, 21). Receptor type III exists as a proteoglycan with heparin and chondroitin sulfate chains; however, TGF-13 can bind to the core of the receptor in the absence of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains (22, 23). Cloning of receptor type III showed that it is a transmembrane protein with a short cytoplasmic domain showing no apparent signaling motif (24-26). The absence of an obvious signaling domain, together with the fact that various TGF-p responsive cells lack the type III receptor (9, 27, 28), has led to the proposal that the type III receptor does not participate directly in TGF-(3 signal transduction. Receptor types I and II bind TGF-P1 and TGF-/33 with higher affinity than TGF-(32 (9, 29, 30) and this difference is more pronounced in cells that lack receptor type III (27, 30). This led to the suggestion that receptor type III might modify the responsiveness of cells to various isoforms of TGF-3. More recently, results that demonstrated a direct association between the type III and signaling receptors provided strong support for the role of receptor type III in delivering TGF-.8 to the signaling receptors (6, 7). In this work, we have performed an analysis of the functional subdomains of the extracellular domain of receptor type III focusing on the TGF-f3-binding function. We have produced deletion mutants of receptor type III in order to localize the amino acids critical for TGF-,3 binding. We find that mutants lacking up to three-quarters of the N-terminal portion of receptor type III can still bind TGF-f3, indicating that the binding site is located close to the transmembrane domain. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES Production ofDeletion Mutants. A HindIII cDNA fragment containing the complete coding region of receptor type III was subcloned from clone R3-OFF (25) into pTZ19R (Pharmacia LKB) at the single HindIII site to produce pTZ19RRTB3. Deletion mutants were produced by progressive digestion ofpTZ19R-RTB3, with BAL-31 exonuclease, starting from a Stu I site located in the receptor type III coding region, 20 amino acids downstream from the signal peptide. BAL-31 digests were repaired with the Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase I and digested with Kpn I to isolate BAL-31/Kpn I fragments containing the 3' portion of the coding region. These fragments were subcloned into pTZ19R-RTB3 digested with Stu I and Kpn I (unique sites), therebyjoining the internally deleted coding region to the first 40 amino acids of the receptor (signal peptide plus the 20 first amino acids). Clones harboring in-frame deletions were identified by nucleotide sequence determination of the Stu I-BAL-31 junction. The coding region of these mutants (contained in a HindIII fragment) was subcloned into the HindIII-digested pcDNAIneo expression vector (Invitrogen). Cell Culture and Transfection Procedure. COS-1 cells were grown in Dulbecco's modified Eagle medium (DMEM) supplemented with 10%o fetal calf serum. Cells were transiently transfected according to the procedure ofChen and Okayama (31). Transfections were performed using 20 mg ofexpression Abbreviations: TGF-,/, transforming growth factor p; GAG, glycosaminoglycan. *To whom reprint requests should be addressed at: Biotechnology Research Institute, 6100 Royalmount Avenue, Montreal, PQ Canada H4P 2R2. 6997 The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91 (1994) vector per six-well plate. Functional binding of TGF-f3 to the mutant receptors was monitored 48 hr after transfection by a ligand binding and cross-linking assay. Binding Assay. Binding and cross-linking assays were performed as described (32) using TGF-,81 (Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Seattle) or TGF-,82 (Celtrix Laboratories, Palo Alto, CA), which was iodinated as described (33). Cross-linked receptors were analyzed by PAGE (under reducing or nonreducing conditions) and autoradiography. Enzymatic Deglycosylation of Affinity-Labeled COS Transfected Cells. Enzymatic removal of the GAG chains with heparitinase (ICN) and chondroitinase ABC (Seikagaku America, Rockville, MD) was performed according to Cheifetz et al. (23).