Basic Properties of Neuron Response to Sound Stimulation in the Inferior Colliculus of Rhinolophus Pusillus
Feng LUO,An-an LI,Fei-jian WU,Bing LIANG,Shu-yi ZHANG,Qi-cai CHEN
Zoological Research
Abstract:To study the basic properties of neuron response to sound stimulation in the inf erior colliculus of Rhinolophus pusillus, one kind of CF/FM (constant freque ncy/frequency modulated) bats, single unit was recorded with microelectrode unde r free field stimulation conditions. The results from 110 recorded neurons showe d that there were five different types of discharge patterns in the inferior col liculus, including phasic (54.5%), tonic (25.5%), sustained (7.3%), chopper ( 7.3%), and pauser (5.4%). Ranges of recording depth, best frequency (BF), mini mum threshold (MT) and response latency at 10 dB above MT of these neurons were 208-1?855 μm (829.0±328.1 μm), 16.7-75.6 kHz (38.9±15.7 kHz), 5-74 dB SPL (34.7±13.6 dB SPL) and 5.0-27.5 ms (15.2±3.9 ms), respectively. BFs of neurons increased with the increase of recording depth (r=0.9578, P 0.001). The V-shaped FTCs of 54 neurons were obtained and divided into two types, i. e. single peak and double peak. The most (69.2%, 36/52) of FTCs were wider (Q10-dB value5) and the few (30.8%, 16/52) were narrower (Q10 -dB value5). Moreover, FTCs with double peaks were with milder slope in low -frequency limb and steeper in high-frequency limb and their Q10-dB val ues are 1.95, 8 and 2.89, 6.51. There are three kinds of rate-intensity func tions in 34 neuron including monotonic, non-monotonic and saturated. In combina tion with our previous observation of Pipistrellus abramus, the differences of acoustic response properties of the neurons and their behavioral significance were analyzed and discussed.