Stimulation ofTubulin GeneTranscription byDeciliation ofSea Urchin Embryos

Abstract:Deciliation byhypertonic shockofembryos oftheseaurchin Lytechinus pictus resulted inan increase in synthesis ofa- and,-tubulins, theconsequenceofan increased concentration ofRNAencoding thetubulins. RNA run-onassaysinisolated nuclei indicated thatthis responseisduetoatransient increase intherateof synthesis oftubulin RNAbeginning within 5 minofdeciliation. Thisenhancement oftubulin genetranscription alsooccurred indeciliated embryos treated withthemicrotubule-depolymerizing agentcolcemid; thusthe reaction todeciliation isnota responsetoa reduction inconcentration ofunpolymerized tubulin utilized for ciliogenesis. Indeciliated embryos treated withcolcemid, theelevated level oftubulin RNA declined rapidly, duetoitsdestabilization bytheelevated concentration ofunpolymerized tubulin. Theincreased transcription of tubulin genesisa responsetotheloss ofcilia, nottothehypertonic shock, andoccursevenwhencilium regeneration isprevented. Inhibition ofprotein synthesis withpuromycin or emetine didnotprevent the transcriptional enhancement butstabilized tubulin mRNA,resulting inincreased accumulation oftubulin mRNA after deciliation. Seaurchin eggscontain stores ofmRNAsencoding awide variety ofproteins synthesized during embryogenesis aswell aspools ofproteins assembled into structural components of embryos after fertilization. Thetubulins areamong themost prevalent proteins stored ineggs(8,34). Mostofthetubulin isunpolymerized ineggsbutisassembled into microtubules ofthecytoskeleton andmitotic spindles during early devel- opmentas wellas themicrotubules ofthecilia formedin blastulae before hatching (10, 11).
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