Constitutive Parameter Effects In Some Multilayered Bianisotropic Microstrip Lines: Clarification Of Magnetic Groups Of Symmetry
W. Y. Yin,B. Guo,Y. B. Gan,L. W. Li,I. Wolff
IEE Proceedings - Microwaves Antennas and Propagation
Abstract:The generalised exponential matrix technique (GEMT) in the spectral domain and Galerkin's approach are used to examine the constitutive parameter effects in various microstrip line structures with multilayered bianisotropic superstrate-substrates (BSS). A parametric study is performed to show the hybrid effects of cross-coupling in different magnetic groups of symmetry (MGS) in BSS oil the effective dielectric constant of guided modes for enclosed single, edge-coupled, broad side-coupled and bilateral edge-coupled geometries.