Research on the Sustainable Development in Qinghai Province Based on System Dynamics
LI Jielan,CHEN Xingpeng,WANG Yu,ZHANG Zilong
Abstract:In this paper, a simulation model is constructed to illustrate the feedback relations between economic growth, resource depletion and environmental impact based on system dynamics (SD), ecological economics and Cobb-Douglas production function. It also reflects the feedback relations between production and factors of production, limited availability of natural resources, and the limits on the consumption scale of those resources. The core modeling in this paper is Cobb-Douglas production function. Manufactured capital, renewable natural capital, nonrenewable natural capital, and human capital are the production factors in Cobb-Douglas production function. Technology used in the production sets the overall level of efficiency in production. Eight sub-systems together determine possible scenarios of the Resources-Environmental-Economic System by interacting with and feeding back to each other. There are six variables in Cobb-Douglas production function corresponding to the six sub-systems respectively. They are production, technology, human capital, manufactured capital, renewable natural resource input and un-renewable natural resource input. In addition to the six sub-systems, there are two other sub-systems in parallel, which are population and environment. By adjusting parameters within the model and changing the specification of some variables, the isolated effect of resource depletion, technological development, or other factors on per-capita production scale can be revealed. The results of the modeling can offer some constructional advices for the sustainable development in Qinghai Province. The objective is to illustrate an ecological-economic system at a high level of aggregation, and to illustrate different aspects of the competing economy and an world view of ecological-economy, including the concepts on a sustainable scale. Formulation experiments indicate the importance of technology in the economic growth, as well as the sensitivity of output to industrial specialization. Formulation experiments also illustrate how a natural capital-based limitation on the development of manufactured capital affects output, how the increasing scarcity of resources places a drag on output, and how that drag may result in overshoot and collapse, even if common assumptions of technological development and factor substitutability are employed. The results indicate that: 1) the economic development in Qinghai Province is largely dependent on natural resources, so it is difficult to achieve sustainable development, and the temporal development mode of Qinghai province is not sustainable; 2) technical contribution to economic growth is very prominent, and the rate of technical substitution for natural resources is low; 3) national investment is an important guarantee for Qinghai to build an environment-friendly society; 4) the only way to realize sustainable development in Qinghai province is to change the mode of economic development and develop circular economy.