Surface Interpolation of Meshes with Shape Optimization

xunnian yang
Abstract:Subdivision surface is an efficient geometric modelingtool that is generated by repeated approximation or interpolationfrom an initial control mesh. For each time of subdivisionthe old mesh will be split and the vertexes of the meshwill be refined for a new mesh. Most existing algorithms aimto construct a smooth subdivision surface by smoothing thevertexes of the split mesh. When some features are desired,special rules or parameters should often be applied.In this paper a new non-stationary subdivision method ispresented for surface modeling by recursive interpolationfrom an initial triangular control mesh. For each time ofsubdivision the mesh itself is a piecewise linear approximationto the final surface, and more details will be added tothe surface when the triangles have been split and replacedby more refined sub-triangles. We compute every interpolatededge vertex as a solution to the problem of least squarefitting of the edge and its neighboring triangles. Sharp featuresas well as flat regions can be kept well during subdivision.To obtain a visually smooth subdivision surface inthe limit, the normal at the vertexes of old meshes will beused as constraint for every time of subdivision. The mainadvantage of this new method is that the interpolated vertexesdepend on the local geometry of the mesh, but not thevalances of the mesh. The examples we have tested showthat the interpolating surfaces by this new method can inheritthe shape of initial course mesh more fairly and naturally.
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