Redesigning Shenzhen Urban Freight Terminal for Its Functionality and Spatial Distribution
Wei Zhang,Jun Zhou,Zuopeng Xiao,Taoyu Lin
Abstract:Steadily industries’ upgrading and the severe shortage of available land have it urgent for large cities to redesign the urban freight terminals in order to integrate three different development plans, from the logistics industry, transportation expansion strategy and urban comprehensive transportation planning, into one plan that aims to solve critical urban problems coordinately. Under such direction, “Shenzhen Comprehensive Transportation System Planning (2013-2030)” focuses on the freight planning practice which emphasizes the spatial distribution of freight transportation. The paper first reviews the current freight transportation system pointing out the freight transportation problems in land use, transportation modes, spatial layout of terminals, transportation corridors, and etc. Then, the paper outlines the challenges facing Shenzhen freight transportation planning in administrative management, planning procedures and implementation, applicability of planning methodology, and land use. Finally, for enhancing logistic func-tionalities and the performance of freight terminals, the paper proposes a planning methodology and imple-mentation system including the terminal hierarchy system, multidimensional structure, terminal space share and operation.