Design and Development of Farm Vehicle Monitoring and Intelligent Dispatching System
CC Wu,XW Chen,H Li,ZZ Wu,YC Tao
Abstract:More and more large farms adopt precision agriculture technology in China. On the base of requirement investigation, the paper designed and developed farm vehicle monitoring and intelligent dispatching system (FVMIDS) for a large farm, which owns 13,000 hm2 of land and has the most advanced agricultural mechanism in the world. The principle, technology and method of GPS, GIS, GSM and operational research were used for system design and development. The system could meet the following requirements: vehicle dispatching, vehicle inducing, vehicle monitoring, farming operation analyzing & statistics, means of production dispatching, and so on. The model of vehicle dispatching based on "transportation problem" was emphasized in the paper. Test run shows that the system can meet all the requirements of the farm and decrease vehicle-dispatching cost largely.