The Ideas and Strategies of Reflection-orientated Teachers’Professional Development
Yu-le JIN,Li TAO
Abstract:In the 1 980s,based on the critique of Objective Realism,the ideas of reflection-orientated teachers’professional development appeared,which marks the transition of professional development to Constructivism.What reflection-orientated teachers’professional development pursues is the blend-ing and enhancement of theory and practice of teachers’professional development.Its connotation con-tains five aspects.First,in the view of realm of teacher development,it pursues such a life that teach-er should practice the philosophy he advocates.Second,in the view of teacher’s essence,it believes that the teacher is an organism.Third,in the view of relationship between teacher and curriculum,it stresses that the teacher is the curriculum.Fourth,in the view of teacher training,it stresses the cul-tivation of the teacher’s wisdom.And finally,in the view of interaction between schools and universi-ties,it stresses integration of the two in a symbiotic whole.To realize the reflection-orientated teachers’professional development,four important respects should be taken into consideration.First, teacher education should be updated.Second,the teacher should become the leader of himself.Third, the teacher should maintain tensions between educational philosophy and practice.Last,effective re-flection training for teacher should be sought.