OpenKnowledge Deliverable 3.1.: Dynamic Ontology Matching: a Survey
Fausto Giunchiglia,Marco Schorlemmer,Fiona McNeill,Alan Bundy,Maurizio Marchese,Mikalai Yatskevich,Ilya Zaihrayeu,Vanessa Lopez,Marta Sabou,Ronny Siebes,Spyros Kotoulas
Abstract:Matching has been recognized as a plausible solution for the seman- tic heterogeneity problem in many traditional applications, such as schema in- tegration, ontology integration, data warehouses, data integration, and so on. Recently, there have emerged a line of new applications characterized by their dynamics, such as peer-to-peer systems, agents, web-services. In this deliver- able we extend the notion of ontology matching, as it has been understood in traditional applications, to dynamic ontology matching. In particular, we exam- ine real-world scenarios and collect the requirements they pose towards a plau- sible solution. We consider five general matching directions which we believe can appropriately address those requirements. These are: (i) approximate and partial ontology matching, (ii) interactive ontology matching, (iii) continuous "design-time" ontology matching, (iv) community-driven ontology matching and (v) multi-ontology matching. We give an overview of state of the art matching systems as well as their evaluation principles from the dynamic ontology match- ing perspective. Finally, the key open issues and challenges towards a plausible dynamic ontology matching solution are discussed, thereby providing a vision for future activities. � OpenKnowledge is a 3 year long STReP project financed under the European Commission's 6th Framework Programme. See, for details.