Analysis on commuter's activity chain choice behavior
Mingjun Liu,Baohua Mao,Feng Gao,Jinyi Guo,LiPing Gao
Abstract:Basing on single trip, the traditional travel demand analysis approaches such as four-stage method is inadequate to depict the activity sequence and difficult to reflect individual, family factors which influence to travel behavior. Its limiting has already been subjected to a lot of queries. To a commuter, work is the most important activity, so according to the commuter travel's chaining complexion, this paper analyzes activity chain patterns. By considering personal socioeconomic characteristics, household socioeconomic characteristics, family member's interactions and temporal characteristics, this paper presents an activity-chaining choice model, employing the discrete choice theory, for the analysis of commuter travel behavior. At last, an empirical analysis is adopted to specify and estimate commuter travel behavior using the data from Beijing Household Travel Survey 2005 (BHTS, 2005).