Design of the Three-Phase Photovoltaic Grid-Connected Inverter
kui hua wu,wei sun,jian wang,shen quan yang,y q wang,bo li
Advanced Materials Research
Abstract:Photovoltaic grid-connected power generation is the inevitable development trend of solar photovoltaic systems,grid inverter is an essential part of photovoltaic grid-connected power generation. With the developed three phase current type PWM inverter device as the research object, and symmetry rules sampling method is applied to the inverter, through the method combined by the computer simulation and experiment research, the device was verified by simulation and experimental .The results show that: This method could not only effectively reduce the DC side inductance volume of the current-mode PWM inverter , and it could make output AC currents sinusoidal and in phase with grid voltages, but also improve the efficiency of the system, it will be more suitable for photovoltaic grid-connected.