Selective inhibition effect of China cobra venom active factor on endothelial cells
Xinyan LIU,Qingsheng YU,Honge YU,Liu ZHU,Guiping WANG,Xiaohua LOU,Maikun TENG
Abstract:Aim: To investigate selective inhibition effect of China cobra venom active factor (CCVAF) from China cobra venom on endothelia cells. Methods: There were control group and CCVAF groups (different concentrations) in the experiment. With different CCVAF concentrations, the proliferation of bovine arteria pulmonalis vascular endothelial cells (BAVEC), SD rats aorta smooth muscle cells (SMC), human embryonic lung fibroblast (HLF) and human bronchial epithelium cells (HBE) were observed by MTT methods, and cell proliferation inhibition IC50 of CCVAF against the above different cell strains were calculated by linear regression analysis system. Results: CCVAF exhibited significantly time-dependent inhibitive effect on the proliferation of BAVEC, IC50 of CCVAF on BAVEC at 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h after coincubation were 4.955, 4.932, 2.443, 3.048 and 3. 133 mg · L-1, respectively, and reached the peak at 24 h; at the same time, CCVAF inhibited the proliferation of BAVEC in dose-dependent maner, inhibition rates of different doses of CCVAF (ie 0.625, 1.25, 2.5, 5, 10 and 20 mg · L -1) on BAVEC were 4.41%, 30.94%, 61.81%, 86.17%, 96.05% and 98.68%, respectively. There were significant differences between all CCVAF groups and control group (P < 0.05). The inhibition rates reached peak at 10 mg · L-1. Our data also indicated that CCVAF selectively inhibited the proliferation of endothelial cells, IC50 of CCVAF on BAVEC, SMC, HLF and HBE were 2.443, 22.233, 35.318 and 32.810 mg · L-1 at 24 h after incubation. Conclusion: CCVAF can selectively inhibit the proliferation of endothelial cells, which lays a foundation for further development of anti-tumor drugs target at endothelial cells.