The Psychological Mechanism of Herd Behavior in Consumers' Decision
Jiang Duo,Xu Fuming,Chen Xueling,Liu Tengfei,Zhang Junwei,Lin Chongde
Abstract:The herd behavior was found in investment behavior for the first time.Many researchers explored the psychological mechanism of investors' herd behavior.They regarded the herd behaviors of investor as the result of using heuristics when they were faced with an uncertain investment situation.Consumers,however,also displayed this type of behavior.It refers to the behavior that consumers follow others' decisions under an uncertain situation.As whether or not the psychological mechanism of consumers herd behavior is the same as the investors' remained a question,we explored the psychological mechanism of consumers' herd behavior in the laboratory by simulating situations of consumption.We conducted two studies.The first studied the way of information processing with the quality of message manipulated.In the pre-experiment,we used a questionnaire about the portable computer to get the information consumers are concerned or unconcerned about.The results showed that consumers paid more attention to some information including CPU,memory,disk,radiation and so on,but they did not care about the information about the number of USB slots.According to the results,we prepared the experimental material.Then we conducted a 3(resource of information:majority, expert and none)×2(quality of message:strength and weak) between-subject design.Consequently,if the resource of information was majority or experts,the herd behavior would appear.On the other hand,the result revealed that the herd behavior came as a result of consumers using consensus heuristics or competence heuristics.In the second research,we conducted a 3(the degree of consensus:a high degree of consensus of choosing A,a high degree of consensus of choosing B and a low degree of consensus)×2(the existence of experts or not) between-subject design to test the condition that two heuristics were applicable.The results indicated that when consumers were faced with a high degree of consensus,they would like to use consensus heuristics to follow the majority;but when faced with a low degree of consensus,they would use competence heuristics and would be in agreement to the choice of experts. According to these results,we believed that the psychological mechanism of consumers' decision was similar to the investors.They would pay more attention to decisions of the majority or experts when faced with the uncertain situation,and then processed some information by using consensus heuristic or competence heuristics.In other words,if consumers were faced with a high degree of consensus,they would like to use consensus heuristics;but when faced with a low degree of consensus,they would use competence heuristics.