New Constraints on Muon-Neutrino to Electron-Neutrino Transitions in MINOS
P. Adamson,C. Andreopoulos,D. J. Auty,D. S. Ayres,C. Backhouse,G. Barr,R. H. Bernstein,M. Betancourt,P. Bhattarai,M. Bishai,A. Blake,G. J. Bock,J. Boehm,D. J. Boehnlein,D. Bogert,C. Bower,S. Budd,S. Cavanaugh,D. Cherdack,S. Childress,B. C. Choudhary,J. H. Cobb,J. A. B. Coelho,S. J. Coleman,L. Corwin,D. Cronin-Hennessy,I. Z. Danko,J. K. de Jong,N. E. Devenish,M. V. Diwan,M. Dorman,C. O. Escobar,J. J. Evans,E. Falk,G. J. Feldman,M. V. Frohne,H. R. Gallagher,A. Godley,M. C. Goodman,P. Gouffon,N. Graf,R. Gran,E. W. Grashorn,K. Grzelak,A. Habig,D. Harris,P. G. Harris,J. Hartnell,R. Hatcher,K. Heller,A. Himmel,A. Holin,X. Huang,J. Hylen,J. Ilic,G. M. Irwin,Z. Isvan,D. E. Jaffe,C. James,D. Jensen,T. Kafka,S. M. S. Kasahara,G. Koizumi,S. Kopp,M. Kordosky,Z. Krahn,A. Kreymer,K. Lang,G. Lefeuvre,J. Ling,P. J. Litchfield,R. P. Litchfield,L. Loiacono,P. Lucas,J. Ma,W. A. Mann,M. L. Marshak,J. S. Marshall,N. Mayer,A. M. McGowan,R. Mehdiyev,J. R. Meier,M. D. Messier,D. G. Michael,W. H. Miller,S. R. Mishra,J. Mitchell,C. D. Moore,J. Morfin,L. Mualem,S. Mufson,J. Musser,D. Naples,J. K. Nelson,H. B. Newman,R. J. Nichol,J. P. Ochoa-Ricoux,W. P. Oliver,M. Orchanian,R. Ospanov,J. Paley,A. Para,R. B. Patterson,G. Pawloski,G. F. Pearce,D. A. Petyt,R. Pittam,R. K. Plunkett,R. A. Rameika,T. M. Raufer,B. Rebel,P. A. Rodrigues,C. Rosenfeld,H. A. Rubin,V. A. Ryabov,M. C. Sanchez,J. Schneps,P. Schreiner,P. Shanahan,W. Smart,C. Smith,A. Sousa,M. Strait,S. Swain,N. Tagg,R. L. Talaga,J. Thomas,M. A. Thomson,G. Tinti,R. Toner,G. Tzanakos,J. Urheim,P. Vahle,B. Viren,A. Weber,R. C. Webb,C. White,L. Whitehead,S. G. Wojcicki,D. M. Wright,T. Yang,K. Zhang,M. Zois,R. Zwaska
Abstract:This paper reports results from a search for nu(mu) -> nu(e) transitions by the MINOS experiment based on a 7 x 10(20) protons-on-target exposure. Our observation of 54 candidate nu(e) events in the far detector with a background of 49.1 +/- 7.0(stat) +/- 2.7(syst) events predicted by the measurements in the near detector requires 2sin(2)(2 theta(13))sin(2)theta(23) < 0.12(0.20) at the 90% C.L. for the normal (inverted) mass hierarchy at delta(CP) = 0. The experiment sets the tightest limits to date on the value of theta(13) for nearly all values of delta(CP) for the normal neutrino mass hierarchy and maximal sin(2)(2 theta(23)).