The Lattice of Sahlqvist Logics
Jiangjie Qiu,Beihai Zhou
Abstract:Every Sahlqvist formula is an elementary complete one.If we take Sahlqvist formulae as addition axioms to the minimal normal modal logic K,we get a strong elementary logic,namely Sahlqvist logic.In this paper we discuss properties of the class of Sahlqvist logics S.It is closed under intersection and another set operation that can be looked upon as logical union,so that S forms a lattice.Let E denote the class of logics K(?)fin_(mn).It is easy to determine that E is a subclass of S.We can deduce that every K(?)fin_(mn) is a canonical logic,following from the Sahlqvist theorem.We can also get the same result by studying properties of the canonical frame of K(?)fin_(mn).E is an interesting subclass of S.It is a sublattice of S.It has a regular geometric form, in which there are infinite length chains,but every antichain in E is finite.Besides, the well known tabular logics are closely related to E,for every tabular logic is an extension of some K(?)fin_(mn).From the result that E has infinite length chains,we can easily know that S also has infinite length antichain.We can prove that in the class {K(?)~i□p→□(?)~ip|i<ω},every logic is not contained in others,so that this class is an infinite length antichain of S,which is different from the result of E.The incomplete degree is an important concept when we study logical lattices.Usually,it is not easy to study the incomplete degree problems.However,we can easily conclude that the incomplete degree of Sahlqvist logic respect to the lattice S is 1.