The Status and Prospects of Rehabilitation in China * 1
Abstract:1.The problem of aging society in China There is a population of 83 million disabled in China, and 50 million of them need rehabilitation treatment. China is becoming an aging society with 178 million people age over 60, in which 70 million need rehabilitation. There is a significant trend towards aging society. Judging from the time it takes for the population of people older than 65 years to increase from 7% to 14% among the total population, China ranks first in its speeds towards becoming an aged society. Under this circumstance, the rehabilitation needs of those sick among the older population and persons with disability shall be addressed. Meanwhile, there are also a lot of patients with chronic diseases and sub-health conditions, and new sufferers of disability due to car accidents. Great rehabilitation needs require more rehabilitation facilities and more investments. 2. The problems in the development of rehabilitation in China There are mainly three problems in the development of rehabilitation. Firstly, the supply of rehabilitation service cannot meet the demands of the growing rehabilitation needs ; secondly, rehabilitation resources may be wasted or not-in-use despite the increasing investment in rehabilitation ; thirdly, the number of rehabilitation professionals are still not enough. The core of all problems can be concluded to the shortage of rehabilitation medical professionals and administrators, and it can be thought of as a missing piece of the water bucket representing development of the cause of rehabilitation. 3.The current status of rehabilitation resources There are mainly 6 types of rehabilitation facilities administered by 6 government branches, including China Disabled Persons Federation (hereinafter referred to as CDPF), National Health and Family Planning Committee (hereinafter referred to as NHFPC), Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (hereinafter referred to as MHRSS), Ministry of Civil Affairs (hereinafter referred to as MCA), Ministry of Education and private rehabilitation facilities. Among which CDPF and NHFPC take up the most. Facilities led by the CDPF are major platform for rehabilitation services in China. In recent years, the Chinese central government has made a lot of efforts to develop the “two systems” for persons with disability, by the end of 2013, 1 national center, 39 provincial centers, 1888 city and prefecture level centers have been built. A network covering the entire country has taken shape. Resources governed by the NHFPC are mainly located in rehabilitation departments of hospitals. To support the development of rehabilitation medicine, the NHFPC issued “Guidelines for building and managing rehabilitation departments in comprehensive hospitals”. In large and middle sized cities all over China, more and more rehabilitation departments are being built and the concept of modern rehabilitation is being popularized very quickly. The MHRSS also have specialized institutions targeting at work injury patients that provide chronic and vocational rehabilitation. The MCA nursing homes have started to offer rehabilitation service, integrating prosthetics, orthotics and rehabilitation. They have become a new force of rehaJpn J Rehabil Med 2015 ; 52 : 315.319