Research on Generation of Cycle Accurate ASIP Simulator

Abstract:Cycle Accurate Simulators are critical tools in ASIP (Application Specific Instruction-set Processor) development. This paper presents a novel way to generate cycle accurate ASIP simulators using the Architecture Description Language mtADL. The mtADL provides templates for two most commonly used micro-architectures in embedded domain: simple pipeline and Tomasulo dynamic-scheduled pipeline. The simulator generator mtGEN reads mtADL descriptions of ASIP designs, and automatically generates cycle accurate simulators. The generation algorithm of mtGEN is presented in this paper. Using mtADL and mtGEN, cycle accurate simulators for 3 very different processors are developed: a 5 stage pipelined MIPS, a 3 stage pipelined ARM7 and a dynamic-scheduled MIPS. This proved the correctness and efficiency of the approach.
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