Scheduling and Resource Allocation in OFDMA Downlink Systems Using Cross-Layer Feedback

Yin Xungong,Feng Hui,Yang Tao,Hu Bo
Abstract:The prob1em of the cross-1ayer schedu1ing and resource a11ocation in orthogona1 frequency division mu1tip1exing access (OFDMA)down1ink was considered, uti1izing the ACK/NAK in MAC 1ayer and periodic feedback of users' SNR in physica1 1ayer simu1taneous1y.This prob1em was mode1ed as a partia11y observab1e Markov decision process (POMDP)with cross-1ayer observations, and a simp1ified version was proposed to reduce the computationa1 comp1exity.Numerica1 experiments show that the performance of the a1gorithm is re1ative1y c1ose to the upper bound proposed by Aggarwa1 R, and does not increase the system overhead of feedback.
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