Forward Lambda Production and Nuclear Stopping Power in D+Au Collisions at Root S(Nn)=200 Gev

B. I. Abelev,M. M. Aggarwal,Z. Ahammed,B. D. Anderson,D. Arkhipkin,G. S. Averichev,Y. Bai,J. Balewski,O. Barannikova,L. S. Barnby,J. Baudot,S. Baumgart,V. V. Belaga,A. Bellingeri-Laurikainen,R. Bellwied,F. Benedosso,R. R. Betts,S. Bhardwaj,A. Bhasin,A. K. Bhati,H. Bichsel,J. Bielcik,J. Bielcikova,L. C. Bland,S. -L. Blyth,M. Bombara,B. E. Bonner,M. Botje,J. Bouchet,A. V. Brandin,A. Bravar,T. P. Burton,M. Bystersky,X. Z. Cai,H. Caines,M. Calderon de la Barca Sanchez,J. Callner,O. Catu,D. Cebra,M. C. Cervantes,Z. Chajecki,P. Chaloupka,S. Chattopadhyay,H. F. Chen,J. H. Chen,J. Y. Chen,J. Cheng,M. Cherney,A. Chikanian,W. Christie,S. U. Chung,R. F. Clarke,M. J. M. Codrington,J. P. Coffin,T. M. Cormier,M. R. Cosentino,J. G. Cramer,H. J. Crawford,D. Das,S. Dash,M. Daugherity,M. M. de Moura,T. G. Dedovich,M. DePhillips,A. A. Derevschikov,L. Didenko,T. Dietel,P. Djawotho,S. M. Dogra,X. Dong,J. L. Drachenberg,J. E. Draper,F. Du,V. B. Dunin,J. C. Dunlop,M. R. Dutta Mazumdar,V. Eckardt,W. R. Edwards,L. G. Efimov,V. Emelianov,J. Engelage,G. Eppley,B. Erazmus,M. Estienne,P. Fachini,R. Fatemi,J. Fedorisin,A. Feng,P. Filip,E. Finch,V. Fine,Y. Fisyak,J. Fu,C. A. Gagliardi,L. Gaillard,M. S. Ganti,E. Garcia-Solis,V. Ghazikhanian,P. Ghosh,Y. N. Gorbunov,H. Gos,O. Grebenyuk,D. Grosnick,B. Grube,S. M. Guertin,K. S. F. F. Guimaraes,N. Gupta,B. Haag,T. J. Hallman,A. Hamed,J. W. Harris,W. He,M. Heinz,T. W. Henry,S. Heppelmann,B. Hippolyte,A. Hirsch,E. Hjort,A. M. Hoffman,G. W. Hoffmann,D. J. Hofman,R. S. Hollis,M. J. Horner,H. Z. Huang,E. W. Hughes,T. J. Humanic,G. Igo,A. Iordanova,P. Jacobs,W. W. Jacobs,P. Jakl,F. Jia,P. G. Jones,E. G. Judd,S. Kabana,K. Kang,J. Kapitan,M. Kaplan,D. Keane,A. Kechechyan,D. Kettler,V. Yu. Khodyrev,J. Kiryluk,A. Kisiel,E. M. Kislov,S. R. Klein,A. G. Knospe,A. Kocoloski,D. D. Koetke,T. Kollegger,M. Kopytine,L. Kotchenda,V. Kouchpil,K. L. Kowalik,P. Kravtsov,V. I. Kravtsov,K. Krueger,C. Kuhn,A. I. Kulikov,A. Kumar,P. Kurnadi,A. A. Kuznetsov,M. A. C. Lamont,J. M. Landgraf,S. Lange,S. LaPointe,F. Laue,J. Lauret,A. Lebedev,R. Lednicky,C. -H. Lee,S. Lehocka,M. J. LeVine,C. Li,Q. Li,Y. Li,G. Lin,X. Lin,S. J. Lindenbaum,M. A. Lisa,F. Liu,H. Liu,J. Liu,L. Liu,T. Ljubicic,W. J. Llope,R. S. Longacre,W. A. Love,Y. Lu,T. Ludlam,D. Lynn,G. L. Ma,J. G. Ma,Y. G. Ma,D. P. Mahapatra,R. Majka,L. K. Mangotra,R. Manweiler,S. Margetis,C. Markert,L. Martin,H. S. Matis,Yu. A. Matulenko,C. J. McClain,T. S. McShane,Yu. Melnick,A. Meschanin,J. Millane,M. L. Miller,N. G. Minaev,S. Mioduszewski,A. Mischke,J. Mitchell,B. Mohanty,D. A. Morozov,M. G. Munhoz,B. K. Nandi,C. Nattrass,T. K. Nayak,J. M. Nelson,C. Nepali,P. K. Netrakanti,L. V. Nogach,S. B. Nurushev,G. Odyniec,A. Ogawa,V. Okorokov,M. Oldenburg,D. Olson,M. Pachr,S. K. Pal,Y. Panebratsev,A. I. Pavlinov,T. Pawlak,T. Peitzmann,V. Perevoztchikov,C. Perkins,W. Peryt,S. C. Phatak,M. Planinic,J. Pluta,N. Poljak,N. Porile,A. M. Poskanzer,M. Potekhin,E. Potrebenikova,B. V. K. S. Potukuchi,D. Prindle,C. Pruneau,N. K. Pruthi,J. Putschke,I. A. Qattan,R. Raniwala,S. Raniwala,R. L. Ray,D. Relyea,A. Ridiger,H. G. Ritter,J. B. Roberts,O. V. Rogachevskiy,J. L. Romero,A. Rose,C. Roy,L. Ruan,M. J. Russcher,R. Sahoo,I. Sakrejda,T. Sakuma,S. Salur,J. Sandweiss,M. Sarsour,P. S. Sazhin,J. Schambach,R. P. Scharenberg,N. Schmitz,J. Seger,I. Selyuzhenkov,P. Seyboth,A. Shabetai,E. Shahaliev,M. Shao,M. Sharma,W. Q. Shen,S. S. Shimanskiy,E. P. Sichtermann,F. Simon,R. N. Singaraju,N. Smirnov,R. Snellings,P. Sorensen,J. Sowinski,J. Speltz,H. M. Spinka,B. Srivastava,A. Stadnik,T. D. S. Stanislaus,D. Staszak,R. Stock,M. Strikhanov,B. Stringfellow,A. A. P. Suaide,M. C. Suarez,N. L. Subba,M. Sumbera,X. M. Sun,Z. Sun,B. Surrow,T. J. M. Symons,A. Szanto De Toledo,J. Takahashi,A. H. Tang,T. Tarnowsky,J. H. Thomas,A. R. Timmins,S. Timoshenko,M. Tokarev,T. A. Trainor,S. Trentalange,R. E. Tribble,O. D. Tsai,J. Ulery,T. Ullrich,D. G. Underwood,G. Van Buren,N. Van der Kolk,M. Van Leeuwen,A. M. Vander Molen,R. Varma,I. M. Vasilevski,A. N. Vasiliev,R. Vernet,S. E. Vigdor,Y. P. Viyogi,S. Vokal,S. A. Voloshin,M. Wada,W. T. Waggoner,F. Wang,G. Wang,J. S. Wang,X. L. Wang,Y. Wang,J. C. Webb,G. D. Westfall,C. Whitten,H. Wieman,S. W. Wissink,R. Witt,J. Wu,Y. Wu,N. Xu,Q. H. Xu,Z. Xu,P. Yepes,I-K. Yoo,Q. Yue,V. I. Yurevich,M. Zawisza,W. Zhan,H. Zhang,W. M. Zhang,Y. Zhang,Z. P. Zhang,Y. Zhao,C. Zhong,J. Zhou,R. Zoulkarneev,Y. Zoulkarneeva,A. N. Zubarev,J. X. Zuo
IF: 3.199
Physical Review C
Abstract:We report the measurement of Lambda and (Lambda) over bar yields and inverse slope parameters in d+Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV at forward and backward rapidities (y=+/- 2.75), using data from the STAR forward time projection chambers. The contributions of different processes to baryon transport and particle production are probed exploiting the inherent asymmetry of the d+Au system. Comparisons to model calculations show that baryon transport on the deuteron side is consistent with multiple collisions of the deuteron nucleons with gold participants. On the gold side, HIJING-based models without a hadronic rescattering phase do not describe the measured particle yields, while models that include target remnants or hadronic rescattering do. The multichain model can provide a good description of the net baryon density in d+Au collisions at energies currently available at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, and the derived parameters of the model agree with those from nuclear collisions at lower energies.
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