Anisotropic spin transport in GaAs quantum wells in the presence of competing Dresselhaus and Rashba spin-orbit-coupling strengths
J. L. Cheng,M. W. Wu,I. C. da Cunha Lima
Abstract:Aiming at the optimization of the spin diffusion length in (001) GaAs quantum wells, we explore the effect of the anisotropy of the spin-orbit coupling on the competition between the Rashba and the Dresselhaus spin-orbit couplings by solving the kinetic spin Bloch equations with the electron-phonon and the electron-electron scattering explicitly included. For identical strengths of the Rashba and the Dresselhaus spin-orbit couplings, the spin diffusion length shows strong anisotropy not only for the spin polarization direction but also for the spin diffusion direction. Two special directions are used seeking for the large diffusion length: ($\bar{1}$10) and (110). Without the cubic term of the Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling and with the identical Dresselhaus and Rashba strengths, infinite diffusion lengths can be obtained {\em either} for the spin diffusion/injection direction along $(\bar110)$, regardless of the direction of spin polarization, {\em or} for the spin polarization along $(110)$, regardless of the direction of the spin diffusion/injection.
However, the cubic Dresselhaus term cannot be neglected, resulting into a finite spin diffusion length which decreases with the temperature and the electron density, and of which the anisotropy for the spin diffusion direction and spin polarization direction is maintained. For the spin diffusion/injection direction along ($\bar{1}$10), the spin diffusion length increases first with the increase of the Rashba strength (from 0) which can be tuned by the external gate voltage; when the Rashba strength is slightly smaller than (in stead of equal to) the Dresselhaus strength, the diffusion length reaches its maximum; and then it decreases with the Rashba strength.
Materials Science