Invariant Mass Dependence of Particle Correlations in Hadronic Final States from the Decay of the Z 0

DELPHI Collaboration,P. Abreu,W. Adam,T. Adye,E. Agasi,R. Aleksan,G. D. alekseev,P. Allport,S. Almehed,F. M. L. Almeida Junior,S. J. Alvsvaag,U. Amaldi,A. Andreazza,P. Antilogus,W. -D. Apel,R. J. Apsimon,Y. Arnoud,B. Åsman,J. -E. Augustin,A. Augustinus,P. Baillon,P. Bambade,F. Barao,R. Barate,G. Barbiellini,D. Y. Bardin,G. J. Barker,A. Baroncelli,O. Barring,J. A. Barrio,W. Bartl,M. J. Bates,M. Battaglia,M. Baubillier,K. -H. Becks,M. Begalli,P. Beilliere,Yu. Belokopytov,P. Beltran,A. C. Benvenuti,M. Berggren,D. Bertrand,F. Bianchi,M. Bigi,M. S. Bilenky,P. Billoir,J. Bjarne,D. Bloch,J. Blocki,S. Blyth,V. Bocci,P. N. Bogolubov,T. Bolognese,M. Bonesini,W. Bonivento,P. S. L. Booth,G. Borisov,C. Bosio,B. Bostiancic,S. Bosworth,O. Botner,B. Bouquet,C. Bourdarios,T. J. V. Bowcock,M. Bozzo,S. Braibant,P. Branchini,K. D. Brand,R. A. Brenner,H. Briand,C. Bricman,L. Brillault,R. C. A. Brown,P. Bruckman,J. -M. Brunet,A. Budziak,L. Bugge,T. Buran,A. Buys,J. A. M. A. Buytaert,M. Caccia,M. Calvi,A. J. Camacho Rozas,R. Campion,T. Camporesi,V. Canale,K. Cankocak,F. Cao,F. Carena,P. Carrilho,L. Carroll,R. Cases,M. V. Castillo Gimenez,A. Cattai,F. R. Cavallo,L. Cerrito,V. Chabaud,A. Chan,M. Chapkin,Ph. Charpentier,J. Chauveau,P. Checchia,G. A. Chelkov,L. Chevalier,P. Chliapnikov,V. Chorowicz,J. T. M. Chrin,V. Cindro,P. Collins,J. L. Contreras,R. Contri,E. Cortina,G. Cosme,F. Couchot,H. B. Crawley,D. Crennell,G. Crosetti,J. Cuevas Maestro,S. Czellar,E. Dahl-Jensen,J. Dahm,B. Dalmagne,M. Dam,G. Damgaard,G. Darbo,E. Daubie,A. Daum,P. D. Dauncey,M. Davenport,J. Davies,W. Da Silva,C. Defoix,P. Delpierre,N. Demaria,A. De Angelis,H. De Boeck,W. De Boer,S. De Brabandere,C. De Clercq,M. D. M. De Fez Laso,C. De La Vaissiere,B. De Lotto,A. De Min,L. De Paula,H. Dijkstra,L. Di Ciaccio,F. Djama,J. Dolbeau,M. Donszelmann,K. Doroba,M. Dracos,J. Drees,M. Dris,Y. Dufour,F. Dupont,D. Edsall,L. -O. Eek,R. Ehret,T. Ekelof,G. Ekspong,A. Elliot Peisert,M. Elsing,J. -P. Engel,N. Ershaidat,M. 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Abstract:Two-particle correlations in invariant mass are studied separately for like-sign and unlike-sign pions. Strong correlations are observed only at small masses. The correlations decrease very rapidly for like-sign pions and slowly for unlike-sign pions, manifesting different particle dynamics. The like-sign correlations exhibit a power-law behaviour as a function of mass, compatible with the previously observed intermittency effect. The predictions of the parton shower model (JETSET 7.3) deviate significantly from the data. However, good agreement is obtained with the mass correlations, both for the unlike-sign and for the like-sign pairs if the production of the η′ and ρ0 mesons is reduced and Bose-Einstein correlations are included in the model. The value of the Bose-Einstein correlation strength is consistent with unity for pions which are produced directly or in the decays of short-lived resonances.
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