The Effect of the Perception of Semantic Relations in Conditionals on Conditional Reasoning
Wang Moyun,Zhu Qian,Gao Po
Abstract:Two experiments were conducted to examine the possible influence of college students'perception of semantic relations between antecedents and consequents in five types of conditionals(if p then q) on conditional reasoning(MP,DA,AC,and MT).The general semantic relations between antecedents and consequents in conditionals are that antecedents are sufficient and nonnecessary for consequents,and that consequents are nonsufficient and necessary for antecedents.The five types of conditionals are contingence conditionals,causality conditionals,obligation conditionals,permission conditionals,definition conditionals.As no previous study had been done about the influence of perceived necessities of consequents in conditionals on conditional reasoning,the authors proposed two assumptions.One was that there would be a difficulty difference in the perceived necessity of consequents in conditionals.Especially,the perceived necessities of consequents in permission and definition conditionals would be higher than those in contingence conditionals,causality conditionals,and obligation conditionals.The other was performance on MT would increase with the perceived necessity of consequents in conditionals so that performances on MT in permission and definition conditionals would be higher than those in contingence conditionals,causality conditionals,and obligation conditionals.Experiment 1 examined the first assumption.Experiment 2 examined the second assumption.In Experiment 1,170 participants were randomly assigned to five groups,and each group completed the perception task of semantic relations in one of the five types of conditionals.In the perceptual comprehension task of one type of conditionals,the perceptual question representations of the four semantic relations of conditionals were respectively:"Can p ensure q?"for the sufficiency of p for q,"Is p necessary for q?"for the necessity of p for q,"Can q ensure p?"for the sufficiency of q for p,"Is q necessary for p?"for the necessity of q for p.In Experiment 2,170 participants were randomly assigned to five groups,and each group completed the conditional reasoning task of one of the five types of conditionals.The reasoning problems of each conditional had the four reasoning formats(MP,DA,AC,and MT).For each conditional reasoning formats,the participants were asked to choose from the three answer options(YES,NO,UNCERTAIN).For example,in the DA reasoning the problems participants were asked to choose from the three answer options(YES,NO,UNCERTAIN) for whether consequents would occur given that antecedents occur.The results of Experiment 1 showed that there was a difficulty difference in the perceived necessities of the consequents in the five types of conditionals,and the perceived necessities of consequents in permission and definition conditionals were higher than those in contingence conditionals,causality conditionals,and obligation conditionals.The results of Experiment 2 showed that performances on MT in permission and definition conditionals were higher than those in contingence conditionals,causality conditionals,and obligation conditionals,and performance on MT increased with the perceived necessity of consequents in conditionals.The results of the two experiments showed that the perception of semantic relations between antecedents and consequents in the five types of conditionals influenced conditional reasoning and performance on MT increases with the perceived necessity of consequents in conditionals.