A spectroscopic investigation of a tridentate Cu-complex mimicking the tyrosine-histidine cross-link of cytochrome C oxidase
Adam Offenbacher,Kimberly N White,Indranil Sen,Allen G Oliver,Joseph P Konopelski,Bridgette A Barry,Olöf Einarsdóttir
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/jp9010795
Abstract:Heme-copper oxidases have a crucial role in the energy transduction mechanism, catalyzing the reduction of dioxygen to water. The reduction of dioxygen takes place at the binuclear center, which contains heme a3 and CuB. The X-ray crystal structures have revealed that the C6' of tyrosine 244 (bovine heart numbering) is cross-linked to a nitrogen of histidine 240, a ligand to CuB. The role of the cross-linked tyrosine at the active site still remains unclear. In order to provide insight into the function of the cross-linked tyrosine, we have investigated the spectroscopic and electrochemical properties of chemical analogues of the CuB-His-Tyr site. The analogues, a tridentate histidine-phenol cross-linked ether ligand and the corresponding Cu-containing complex, were previously synthesized in our laboratory (White, K.; et al. Chem. Commun. 2007, 3252-3254). Spectrophotometric titrations of the ligand and the Cu-complex indicate a pKa of the phenolic proton of 8.8 and 7.7, respectively. These results are consistent with the cross-linked tyrosine playing a proton delivery role at the cytochrome c oxidase active site. The presence of the phenoxyl radical was investigated at low temperature using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) difference spectroscopy. UV photolysis of the ligand, without bound copper, generated a narrow g=2.0047 signal, attributed to the phenoxyl radial. EPR spectra recorded before and after UV photolysis of the Cu-complex showed a g=2 signal characteristic of oxidized copper, suggesting that the copper is not spin-coupled to the phenoxyl radical. An EPR signal from the phenoxyl radical was not observed in the Cu-complex, either due to spin relaxation of the two unpaired electrons or to masking of the narrow phenoxyl radical signal by the strong copper contribution. Stable isotope (13C) labeling of the phenol ring (C1') Cu-complex, combined with photoinduced difference FT-IR spectroscopy, revealed bands at 1485 and 1483 cm(-1) in the 12C-minus-13C-isotope-edited spectra of the ligand and Cu-complex, respectively. These bands are attributed to the radical v7a stretching frequency and are shifted to 1468 and 1472 cm(-1), respectively, with 13C1' labeling. These results show that a radical is generated in both the ligand and the Cu-complex and support the unambiguous assignment of a vibrational band to the phenoxyl radical v7a stretching mode. These data are discussed with respect to a possible role of the cross-linked tyrosine radical in cytochrome c oxidase.