The International Trend of Enterprise Annuity's Innovation and Development and Apocalypse to China
ZHANG Jun-ling,HOU Zhi-qiang
Abstract:International business annuity system is changing from pay-as-you-go to fund-edfully,from the signal National Pension to three pillar model,which combine the basic old age pension,business annuity with Private Pension Funds together,from the government concentrated management style to the business annuity style,which included invenstment tool diversification,fund operation market-oriented,and on the stock-transformation.The benefit form of business annuity system is changing from DB plan to DC plan.Above these,when our country established the business annuity system,should consider the following aspect:(1)our country should promise co-existence and competition of BD plan and DC plan,encourage various mixteure mode plan,strengthen the adaptability of system;(2)our country should give the conditioned tax-free policy to the business annuity,and consider payment link,investment link,receive link at the time of establishing business annuity;(3)our government should apply the legal action on macro-control and norm of business annuity,control the operate risk of the business annuity at the merits of company mode,forgive fund mode and contract mode,take the innovative road combined mode.