Effective models for dense vortex lattices in the Kitaev honeycomb model
David J. Alspaugh,Jean-Noël Fuchs,Anna Ritz-Zwilling,Julien Vidal
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.109.115107
Abstract:We introduce low-energy effective models for dense configurations of vortices in the Kitaev honeycomb model. Specifically, we consider configurations of vortices in which vortex-free plaquettes form triangular lattices against a vortex-full background. Depending on the vortex density, these "dual" configurations belong to either one of two families classified by translation and inversion symmetry. As a function of a time-reversal symmetry breaking term, one family exhibits gapped phases with even Chern numbers separated by extended gapless phases, while the other exhibits gapped phases with even or odd Chern numbers, separated by critical points. We construct an effective model for each family, determine the parameters of these models by fitting the integrated density of states, and reproduce energy spectra and Chern numbers of the Kitaev honeycomb model. We also derive phase diagrams and determine these models' validity.
Superconductivity,Quantum Physics